Strategic Steps to Filing a Commercial Trucking Accident Claim in Alabama

Being involved in a commercial trucking accident in Alabama can be a traumatic experience. The aftermath of the accident can be overwhelming, with medical bills and other expenses piling up. Fortunately, if you were not at fault for the accident, you may be able to file a claim for compensation in Alabama. In this article, we'll discuss the steps you should take to file a claim for compensation after a commercial trucking accident.

In the aftermath of a commercial truck accident in Alabama, victims often face not just physical pain and emotional trauma, but also significant financial pressures. These accidents can result in substantial medical bills, loss of income, property damage, and other related expenses. However, you shouldn’t have to bear these costs if the accident was caused by someone else's negligence. This is where Mesothelioma and Asbestos Attorney Stephen Thompson can help.

As one of the most distinguished personal injury lawyers in Alabama, Stephen Thompson has a wealth of experience in assisting victims of commercial trucking accidents. With perseverance and deep understanding of state laws, he can effectively guide you through the complex legal procedures for filing a claim and eventually securing compensation. This article will outline the necessary steps you need to take in order to file a claim after a commercial trucking accident in Alabama.

Step 1: Seek Medical Attention

The first step after being involved in a commercial trucking accident should always be to seek immediate medical attention, regardless of how minor your injuries may appear initially. Remember, some injuries might not manifest immediately after the accident and could develop days or even weeks later. Providing medical documentation from this initial visit can significantly strengthen your case when it comes time to prove your injuries.

Step 2: Documentation at the Scene

If possible, gather vital information at the scene of the accident. This includes taking pictures of the scene, your injuries, and any vehicular damage. Collect the truck driver’s name, his or her employer's name, and insurance information. In addition, write down the names and contact information of any witnesses. Your attorney can use this information to build a strong case on your behalf.

Step 3: Report the Accident

As per the Alabama state law, you are required to report any accident that results in injury, death, or property damage beyond a specific threshold. Even if the accident seems insignificant, you should report it to both the police and the Department of Public Safety. 

Step 4: Consult with an Alabama Truck Accident Attorney

Dealing with insurance companies and navigating the legal system can be overwhelmingly complicated, especially when dealing with the aftermath of a traumatic event like a trucking accident. Our firm, led by the competent and compassionate Stephen Thompson, will guide you through every step of the process and ensure that your legal rights are protected.

Step 5: Determine Liability

Determining who is liable in a commercial trucking accident can be challenging. It might be the truck driver, the trucking company, the cargo loader, or even the manufacturer of a faulty truck part. Stephen Thompson employs thorough investigation techniques to identify every potentially liable party.

Step 6: Filing the Claim

Once all necessary information has been collected and liability determined, Stephen Thompson will process all necessary documentation and file the personal injury claim. Strict time limits apply, hence it's important that your claim is lodged in time. 

Step 7: Negotiation & Litigation

Given the extensive damages typically involved in commercial trucking accidents, insurance companies often resist paying the full amount a victim is owed. Stephen Thompson is an experienced negotiator who will fight tooth and nail to ensure you get the compensation you deserve. If a fair settlement cannot be reached, the case may proceed to court where attorney Thompson will be your staunch advocate.

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Experiencing a commercial trucking accident can be a life-altering event. Navigating the legal process, dealing with insurance companies, and trying to recover from your injuries can be daunting. However, you do not have to go through it alone. Alabama personal injury lawyer, Stephen Thompson, is dedicated to providing comprehensive legal assistance to victims of commercial trucking accidents. If you or a loved one has been involved in such an accident, contact our office today for a free consultation, and let us help you take the first step toward recovery and justice.

Free Initial Strategy Session

All Initial Strategy Sessions are Free. If you would like to discuss your options, you are invited to fill out one of the Contact Forms. I will attempt to contact you if I think I can help you.

During your Initial Strategy Session, I will asist you in creating a strategy on how to best pursue your claim, whether it be the result of a Car Accident Claim, 18 Wheeler Injury, or, Alabama Workers' Compensation Claim. At your Initial Strategy Session, you will receive the following:

  • First - I will listen to your story. You will have a chance to tell everything to someone who wants to hear what happened to you.
  • Based on the information that you provide, I will give you my best advice on both what claims you have, and the next steps you should consider to proceed with your claim(s).
  • If your claim is something that I think I can help you with, I will explain the services that I can provide for you, and what the next steps are that we should take. We will start working immediately.
  • If your matter is something that I do not think I can help you with, then I will attempt to put you in contact with another lawyer that might be able to help you.
  • Either way, what should happen is we will put to rest some of the unkowns that you may be experiencing. We will start to shed some light on what you can expect, and how to best pursue the benefits you deserve.

Don't delay getting the recovery you deserve! Contact us today for your free Strategy Session!

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